Working Mom

This category is for a multitude of people. If you have a career, or you are a stay at home parent, or you are a working parent, then you are in the right place. Balancing the needs of a family and/or balancing your professional development with your career is a challenge. In the Working Mom/Family category you will find posts around how to be there for family, how to fit in the needs like dinner and breakfast while keeping everyone on-time. In addition you will find posts on how to prioritize your professional career and career advice on how to be successful and how to achieve your goals.

Enhance your Career Development With A Mentor & Sponsor

Everything About Finding & Selecting A Mentor and Sponsor

Career mentors and sponsors should be thought of as a need from very early on in your career, especially for 1st generation college graduates with little guidance from family and friends on the specifics of navigating a professional terrain. This post will cover what a mentor and sponsor are, and how they are different including

Everything About Finding & Selecting A Mentor and Sponsor Read More »

Development Plan With Development Plan Template

How to Navigate the Professional Terrain (ladder) Navigating the professional terrain at work can be a maze for those just entering the workforce, or those who change career fields, or even for those who just change positions within their field of expertise. Most of us enter the workforce not knowing that we are responsible for

Development Plan With Development Plan Template Read More »

Your Work From Home Focus Toolbox: To Maximize Productivity Like The Girl Ninja

Working from home can be a saving grace or a real challenge, it really depends on your particular situation at home and at work. This post will describe tools that you can use to help you have a focused and productive work day at home. Despite the temptations to procrastinate with web browsing and distractions

Your Work From Home Focus Toolbox: To Maximize Productivity Like The Girl Ninja Read More »